The journey to get home. Seriously? It's lost minutes, I will never get back. I am drowning myself repeaditly in Rihanna s song " Where have you been", I might as well... The driver drives like a nutter, but hej it's going fast- just wished it did it in the mornings. These 3days I have been working i have been late, not thanks to me or my baby... The speed is a bit sickening...
I can't help to put the song on again. If they could play this tune in geordi shore instead of Chavy (Chavez) music in the new castle clubs....
Yes I watch the stupied show and as much as I would hate my son or if I have a daughter to behave like the way they do, but somewhere I think " we older" have been where they are in life and even behaved they way they actually do.
However the boys-oh my gosh.... What's with the eyebrown? The word banging?
The desperate need to pull, randomly girl... And the time spent on looking like twins is laughable. However I like charlotte, but she needs to stop commenting on garys privte part- she is contributing for that ego to grow... and like I was ones told by a very vice American dude, i really want to tell charlotte "flip the game" he will come back begging for more.
When i watch the show I really wanna go clubbing, just dance away the night,
I can't be around for another " adulthy" evening siping vine I pretend to like.
I would like to try a night out in the tune city...
A wicked night would be to bring along the girls... That will be a night for new castle that the city wouldn't forget...
Just because you become a parent does not equals being boring.
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