Monday, 16 May 2011

Breast, breast, breast. Lessons Nr. 3

Part 2

While I was away in Spain Aptamil (a formula bran) had moved in with us and taken over my place. It was a short visit and we said goodbye and Aptamil left empty.
“Helping you to give your baby a healthy start” slogan of the Aptamil family, who has over 50 years experience in infant nutrition.
Aptamil family do say on their website breastfeeding is best for babies and provides many benefit. Clearly this breastmilk substitute is not better, breastmilk is amazing as it us specially formulated to have the right composition for your baby, and contain exactly the right amounts of nutrients. When feeding with formula, the baby will receive the exact same nutrients every time they eat. But the milk the mum produces if being healthy will always be varied and be suitable for the baby needs.

Thinking of Cheery’s documentary about the teenager who would not breastfeed as its not cool enough, (celebraties don't do it) and getting the boobs out would make people call her slag. I wonder if I am the only who reacted to the fact that she was already showing way too much of her boobs anyway. And defiantly not in a sexy way.
I breastfeed in public, last time I ended up doing it on the bus. BUT, a big BUT, I don’t show it, I use a scarf to cover my baby and the boob, as it is a private action.

I would judge the teenager in the documentary if I saw her, as she clearly shows unmuture signals. Celebrities can also afford several nannies, who might give expressed milk and if they have to breastfeed they probably go under the scarf too. Hmm. When I met one I will ask!
Cherry on the other hand I can sympathy and I don’t think she should feel guilty. She just did not have that extra support like me! When it hurts, that much you really just want it all to go away.
But, who said becoming a mum would be easy?

Most importantly stick to your guns, do not make other people make your decision for you, and have someone you can poor all your angriness to, always consult with your support team.
You decide what you think is best!
YOU and no one else

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