Monday, 16 May 2011

Breast, breast, breast. Lessons Nr. 3

Breastfeeding VS. Formula feeding Part 1

Welcome to motherhood, it is all about making decision. Before diving really deep into the topic.
I will share my experience.

To begin with I was breastfeed my other half was breastfeed and every human being that I knew that had a baby was saying breastfeeding… Breastfeeding…
Part from one friend who said, I used formula and there is absolutely nothing wrong with my baby.

The first few days of my baby’s life we spent at the hospital slowly getting to know each other.
I introduce my breast to my baby for the first time. It was wired, but it felt natural and I loved having little one so close and so pleased.
Hmm. I have to admit, my mum and boyfriends’ parents did asked me will you breastfeed?
I said yes, as it did feel like that was the answer they wanted to hear.
So yes, my decision was based on what the grandparents wanted and the economy, - it’s free!

According to the documentary Cheery Healey did last week about “is breast best?" 
Breastfeeding is un-popular in the UK, the teen mums and the glam models don’t seem to do it as the breast is seen as a sexy thing.
I am thinking while staring at the sky, long silent.
Somewhere I can understand the quote “breast is for sexy purpose” but why the need to prove your sexiness’ to the rest of the world when you just become a mum. The female breasts were probably not sculpted for sexy, more likely for the feeding purpose. I cant help to wonder…
Is being sexy more important then your baby? 

As baby become days old- suddenly a week. I was in tremendous in pain. My breast…
I had dried blood and cracks on my nipples. My left one was so bad that my baby were
not getting near by it. I was not breastfeeding! I was nippelfeeding. I was feeding wrong as I was not showed how to do it. If you think its just getting the baby close to your nipple, you’re so bloody wrong.
I could not feed anymore, instead I was hand pumping and that did hurt as well but not as painful as the baby’s mouth. Suddenly I did not have a milk flow. I was getting ill, I was cold non-stop. The breast were getting like Anna Nicole-Smith freak show.
I felt helpless and all I could hear in my head, breast is the best! I was touching them non-stop and I was so fed up, but formula milk was never an option for me. I had baths, massage them, got my mum to iorn towels for me to use to heat the breast up with and more touching, rubbing them, baths and on and on.

I had a visit of the breastfeed fairy and I love her! I owe her so much. Thanks to her
( and support from a new friend) help, I am still breastfeeding today and, I am determind to do so as long as I can. I love that its our time, me and my baby. Probably stop when the teeth are out.

I have to admit baby has had formula milk. As the expressed milk I expressed before going to Spain was not enough. Do I feel bad, guilty? No, not at all.

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