Thursday, 19 May 2011

Taking a break from the breast topic.

Let me introduce you to what can be new fav of mine. Reeboks Easytones. Best thing for those feet of ours to wonder of with and, guess what? Eva Mendes chooses the EASYTONE to. 

Every step you take with these miracle shoes they will tone and strengthen key leg and bum muscles. The Easy Tones comes for 3 different purposes:
Walk, Run, Train. And the new news is EASYTONE Flip-flop.
Now being a mum and living in the “yummy mummy paradise land’ I have to get in to shape. I have to strengthen my back and core muscles if I want to get ride of my leg pain.
I wanted to be an alert mummy, but with the pain and everything I haven’t really had the chance. 
I need to change my attitude towards the pain and every time it hurts I will push my self even harder together with my new amazing Easytones that I ordered yesterday from Reeboks website.
I think we all should have a pair of Easytone, why? Try them on and you will understand me! And imagine what you could do with them on!!

I will get back to you all when I have had them for a while to let you know if my butt has toned up or not?!

Monday, 16 May 2011

Breast, breast, breast. Lessons Nr. 3

Part 2

While I was away in Spain Aptamil (a formula bran) had moved in with us and taken over my place. It was a short visit and we said goodbye and Aptamil left empty.
“Helping you to give your baby a healthy start” slogan of the Aptamil family, who has over 50 years experience in infant nutrition.
Aptamil family do say on their website breastfeeding is best for babies and provides many benefit. Clearly this breastmilk substitute is not better, breastmilk is amazing as it us specially formulated to have the right composition for your baby, and contain exactly the right amounts of nutrients. When feeding with formula, the baby will receive the exact same nutrients every time they eat. But the milk the mum produces if being healthy will always be varied and be suitable for the baby needs.

Thinking of Cheery’s documentary about the teenager who would not breastfeed as its not cool enough, (celebraties don't do it) and getting the boobs out would make people call her slag. I wonder if I am the only who reacted to the fact that she was already showing way too much of her boobs anyway. And defiantly not in a sexy way.
I breastfeed in public, last time I ended up doing it on the bus. BUT, a big BUT, I don’t show it, I use a scarf to cover my baby and the boob, as it is a private action.

I would judge the teenager in the documentary if I saw her, as she clearly shows unmuture signals. Celebrities can also afford several nannies, who might give expressed milk and if they have to breastfeed they probably go under the scarf too. Hmm. When I met one I will ask!
Cherry on the other hand I can sympathy and I don’t think she should feel guilty. She just did not have that extra support like me! When it hurts, that much you really just want it all to go away.
But, who said becoming a mum would be easy?

Most importantly stick to your guns, do not make other people make your decision for you, and have someone you can poor all your angriness to, always consult with your support team.
You decide what you think is best!
YOU and no one else

Breast, breast, breast. Lessons Nr. 3

Breastfeeding VS. Formula feeding Part 1

Welcome to motherhood, it is all about making decision. Before diving really deep into the topic.
I will share my experience.

To begin with I was breastfeed my other half was breastfeed and every human being that I knew that had a baby was saying breastfeeding… Breastfeeding…
Part from one friend who said, I used formula and there is absolutely nothing wrong with my baby.

The first few days of my baby’s life we spent at the hospital slowly getting to know each other.
I introduce my breast to my baby for the first time. It was wired, but it felt natural and I loved having little one so close and so pleased.
Hmm. I have to admit, my mum and boyfriends’ parents did asked me will you breastfeed?
I said yes, as it did feel like that was the answer they wanted to hear.
So yes, my decision was based on what the grandparents wanted and the economy, - it’s free!

According to the documentary Cheery Healey did last week about “is breast best?" 
Breastfeeding is un-popular in the UK, the teen mums and the glam models don’t seem to do it as the breast is seen as a sexy thing.
I am thinking while staring at the sky, long silent.
Somewhere I can understand the quote “breast is for sexy purpose” but why the need to prove your sexiness’ to the rest of the world when you just become a mum. The female breasts were probably not sculpted for sexy, more likely for the feeding purpose. I cant help to wonder…
Is being sexy more important then your baby? 

As baby become days old- suddenly a week. I was in tremendous in pain. My breast…
I had dried blood and cracks on my nipples. My left one was so bad that my baby were
not getting near by it. I was not breastfeeding! I was nippelfeeding. I was feeding wrong as I was not showed how to do it. If you think its just getting the baby close to your nipple, you’re so bloody wrong.
I could not feed anymore, instead I was hand pumping and that did hurt as well but not as painful as the baby’s mouth. Suddenly I did not have a milk flow. I was getting ill, I was cold non-stop. The breast were getting like Anna Nicole-Smith freak show.
I felt helpless and all I could hear in my head, breast is the best! I was touching them non-stop and I was so fed up, but formula milk was never an option for me. I had baths, massage them, got my mum to iorn towels for me to use to heat the breast up with and more touching, rubbing them, baths and on and on.

I had a visit of the breastfeed fairy and I love her! I owe her so much. Thanks to her
( and support from a new friend) help, I am still breastfeeding today and, I am determind to do so as long as I can. I love that its our time, me and my baby. Probably stop when the teeth are out.

I have to admit baby has had formula milk. As the expressed milk I expressed before going to Spain was not enough. Do I feel bad, guilty? No, not at all.

Sunday, 15 May 2011

Breast, Breast, Breast. Lesson Nr. 2


The female body is amazing. It goes through massive changes and actually adapts to the current situation and so on. During the pregnancy they often go to “wow” factor stage and I don’t know about you but I would love to keep them that size. And when its time to deliver the baby/babies the body is on the mission producing the little ones food hunger demands.

The first couple of days after the baby is born, you will produce Colostrum, = sort of pre-milk. This pre-milk is slow (stubborn), which is good for the little one as he/she learns to nurse, coordinate sucking, breathing and of course swallowing.
The pre-milk can either be thick and yellowish or thin and watery.

The colostrums are highly important to the baby as it contains appropriate amounts of carbohydrate, protein, and fat. It also provides digestive enzymes, minerals, vitamins, and hormones that all infants require several protective properties, like antibacterial and immune –system-boosting.
These are the 2 most important ingredients you will not be able to find in those replace formulas.

The pre-milk will be replaced within 3-4 days with milk that looks just like the one you keep in your fridge. But taste like milk with sugar. It’s sweat and, yes as mum you will try it! Dadds are more chilliness about trying. Not Joe in Freinds.

10-14 days the milk is considered as mature milk, which your baby will be in control of the production of it responding to how much the baby wants during the feeds.

The baby may be in control of the milk amount but, you however are, control of what you eat, your diet. This will reflect in your baby as he/she is growing.
If you eat more sweet and unhealthy processed, un-organic food your baby will receive that in the milk. And if you are on a stupid, crazy loss weight diet you should be slapped so hard on the face. If you skip meals, eat unhealthy food, drinks and smoke fags by your baby and drink alcohol…

what do you think the outcome will be for your own flesh and blood?
I will not even bother going down on that route as I will think you are the selfish un-mature person who probably wont ready to be a mother.
And if you are doing any of these big NO, NO shame on you!

Breast, Breast, Breast. Lesson Nr. 1

Breast, Breast, Breast.

Thought we will have breast lesson. Start today.

Lesson Nr. 1

Saturday, 14 May 2011


Friend, Trust & Support

After a conversation with a friend on whatsapp, (again love Iphone.)
I have to confess that I have been so lucky to have a particular support from someone I am still getting to know. She lives in Sweden, has two adorable children, a girl and a boy. Not once have I met her.
She texted her existence into my life the 4th of January 21.49 on the dot, I cried as reading her supporting text message.
Someone I didn’t know understood me.

Another friend far away had suffered from baby blue/ Postpartum Depression. Back then I thought it will not happen to me and I felt sorry for my friend who I know was over the moon to be a mum.

It did happen to me. I had my bundle of joy during Christmas time = family time. I had my family with us and later on my other half parents. But then suddenly a horrible day came and they were gone. Just like that G O N E. I cried non-stop and even more every time I was holding my little one. I did not know what to do.
Today I feel guilty about having baby blues, as I got so much love and sometimes others might feel that I am drown him with it

I got all these amazing support, midwife Gilly (everyone should have a midwife like Gilly, I still see her, she calms and make me and my baby smile) who got me to see Chris. Chris is one of a kind, he opens my stubborn mother eyes and somewhere on our building bridges I know “that I know my baby better then anyone”.

My Jen, looking after me. Thanks to her that text message on the 4th did mirecle and I am forever glad I got another friend. Jen did something else for my sad soul. On a weekend, a Saturday morning, I wasen’t really that kin to do anything. I jumped in to the shower really late. I heard Jen go inside as I out. My Helly was there.
My 2 friends. I cried non stop, repeating

- “how did you get here???"

Support is important after given birth and is needed for a very long time.
So instead of coming with useless sentence, like; what you should and shouldn’t do for the baby or get the new mother to doubt her already good job, and even worse just because you have had children of your own does not make you a baby expert. Forbid you might have raised child/children in the Stone Age I know you will never stop being a parent, but you, got your chance. If this is YOU! You should just SHUT UP.

You will only, end up with a horrible stamp, and even worse the new mother may never trust you to be alone with her bundle of joy! Respect & trust is very important when a little human being is involved, even more if it is your own flesh and blood.

In psychology, trust is believing that the person whom is trusted will do what is expected. It starts at the family and grows to others. According to the psychoanalyst Erik Erikson development of basic trust is the first state psychosocial development occurring, or failing, during the first two years of life. Success results in feelings of security, trust, and optimism, while failure leads towards an orientation of insecurity and mistrust

Seriously think about whom, you want to be. The person not being trusted with the baby/babies?
Or be a wonderful, forever grateful friend/support?

Loads of love to all of you! You know who you are!

Thursday, 12 May 2011

Photographs of the bump- A most have

Pregnancy is a wonderful journey. When it happens you will be forced to make all these decision and the weeks flies away. Normally you notice that you are pregnant around week 7 and suddenly without knowing it you are week 25 and your bump is there and you are glowing. Suddenly its time… The first meeting with your little one.

Bump gone. You got all these memories, the first kick, the morning sickness, tired feet’s, baby shower, and conversations with the baby inside. So did you get loads of pictures of you and your pregnant look? Did you do a Demi More? A Britney spears?
Front cover?

I admit I used my Iphone. I hope I wont hate myself for the fact I cant print them out- Iphone has not got enough pixels, they are all low res Mobil images. I should have known better I work within photography. I got a couple of photographs with the bump and my favourite is when my other half and I are fooling around at work and we got a snap shot of him holding and kissing the belly, in black and white.

I know better today, I am a bit wiser. So for my lovely Jen I have been busy brainstorming, researching pregnancy photographs, as I will photograph her and her lovely bump.

This mission has kind of got me going… I actually want to photographs after many years of not wanting, I DO NOW.

I don’t want it to look “horrible wipe out the skin totally retouched” I want it to look naturally against black background, have wind in the hair. I just want my Jen to smile and away and share the story with the little one as he grows up.

I have photographed several weddings, babies but never a pregnant person. But hopefully with the right kit I will get the image that my Jen will always love forever.

I will let you now how it goes…
If you know someone who is about to have a baby and you want to do something special for her then snap loads of pictures of her and document the belly growing and after she had the baby. Trust me, she will miss that pump, perfect time to hand over your photographs, put them together in a nice story write week and dates.
Put some of her typical comments. Like Jennie always says “he is chilled out like his dad”.

Every pregnant female wants a photograph of the bump!

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Sciatica Nerve

PAIN is a warning signal that something is wrong in your body. Do we really listen? No! I don’t. Don’t know about you but I tend to just swallow painkillers, precisely in total in a day, 14 pills. I AM A PARACETAMOL AND IBUPROFEN JUNKY.

So I have woken up and gone to bed with this horrible pain in me leg, starts from the left buttocks travels down to me toes.

Let me introduce you to Sciatica Nerve damage pain. Which can happen to anyone who will give birth. I really wish someone, would have told me that this problem can occur if you’re not nice to your body and don’t treat it with yoga or see an osteopath. Like me.

My pelvic (picture above) is still wonky after the birth. Yes the baby travels through them when coming out, so if the baby is massive big, maybe have cserian in mind.
We can debate about this,
Not being around for the birth when they cut to get the baby out and not feel the birth of your baby?
Or if using forceps which is a consist of two branches that are positioned around the baby head. Forceps is forcing the baby out, which means is on someone else’s demand who will grab your babies head, mark the baby (my baby has a scar after birth nearby his eye) and literally destroy your pelvic. And you will have this what feels forever pain.
Your choice, im just serving the options on the plate.

In my case is not just my wonky pelvic that is pressing on me big nerve, I got discs bulging out and that’s all me to blame. I never have been nice to my back. Heavy lifting, weight manic, never stretching, no yoga, no osteopath, don’t sit straight with my back etc etc.

In 20 weeks I have been to doctors several time, had an MRI scan in a lorry on a car park, and seen a physiotherapist. Who feeds me more pain. I got, left to attend a pain management, (to me, it sound like, angry management, I may suffer a bit from that, these days as well) and I’m seeing the specialist end of next months. Surely you would think, see the specialist first… and from there work.
I am within UK borders and backwards it is...

My advice, strongly recommend.
Do yoga, stretching as much as you can before and during the pregnancy and see an once a month a  osteopath.

I have seen 3 osteopaths.

1. Really liked her! thanks to her I could put me shoes on me without pain. Her voice was so soft, bedtime story reader. I would love to see her again but she is in kensal rice- to far.
Lilliann: 020 8969 5115

2. I loved her info leaflets (above). They are eye catching, but when I left her i felt more pain then before and rest of the day was spent in day. Fun mum NOT.
She is Hornsey and I may give her a second chance.
Diana: 020 8348 5848

3. She does everything! My first trip was good. I liked the fact how she does OSTEOPATHY, ACUPUNCTURE, HOMEOPATHY. I must be in good hands. As she is also in Hornsey and remind me of the way Lilliann treated me. I will see her, Jeanette
Jeanette: 07887 907 026

Sunday, 8 May 2011

Having a baby dose not have to cost that much! EVERYONE has an opinion about what you should get! And of course NOT TO GET! When the baby is out you will end up with so many things, I ended up with loads of baby clothes.
But a point out, which I wished I had, was a baby-shower. Gather your friends, see how creative they are and see what how they used their “childmind” when selecting out present.
SO to help that “CHILDMIND” out…

1. Sophie the Giraffe / The Ultimate Tool for Teething
Lifesaver! The French Giraffe Sophie is a baby’s best friend with magical powers.
You can read more about La Sophie on kidsen blogg.
But buy from Mother Care; you can get Sophie La Giraffe Gift set for £ 19.99

2. Barnkammarböckerna
If you happen to be born and grown up in Sweden, this will be one of the ultimate present\gift you can give. Barnkammarböckerna (book), collection suitable for any child/children as well as adult/ adults and it comes with a cd. Sleep, cozy, singing or read out load times, there is a Barnkammarbok for any moments. I bought the silver one for my baby, as I got sick and tired of singing songs bonus and I mostly forgotten it came with a cd which I have on me iphone. So my bugaboo pram is a denim special edition as it sings on the streets. I would like to own all of them. The publishers have published ‘my own barnkammarbok where you as a parent can fill in…

3. Baby Art. Picture with hand/foot print 

4. Clothes, primark is not cool!

Giving clothes as a present is always nice, but not if it’s not 100% organic cotton!!! For babies to wear organic 100% cotton is dead important. Why?! As cotton these days are not created equal. Scary is, when reading that some so called 100 % cotton are mixed with cancer- causing chemicals.
Babies have sensitive skin and weak immune system so to take under account that organic clothes Is the only way to go.

5. Cocoa butter formula Tummy butter.
Thanks to this miracle cream I did not get a single mark or stretch on my body during my whole pregnancy. Love it! I could not get enough of the moisture that made my pregnant belly so soft. I still today use it, great for hard heels!

6. Lansinoh
Trust ME YOU HAVE TO HAVE A TUBE OF THIS as soon as the baby is out! My nipples were bleeding my first week. My baby and I did not have a perfect start when it comes to breastfeeding. It was “nipple -feeding” and a nightmare for me! I was in pain, but thanks to this miracle cream and loads of support from super mummy Karro and “breastfeeding whisperer” Jennifer, I could bond with my baby and I love every minute of the closeness.

7. Lavender Bath Soak

A baby shower does not necessarily have to be a present for the unborn; it could be for the mother to be. It’s a heavy job!
I have never been a fan of the fragrance Lavender. But my pregnancy changed that for me. It has this unbelievable calmness effect and I bought this amazing round container that had lavender bath soak powder from the body shop. Anything with lavender is a good present; you can even buy a lavender flower for the mother to be to have by her bed.

8. Gym Math
Back-time, a colourful padded mat with stimulating toys on arches for overhead play. Tummy-time, lowering the adjustable arches makes the transition to tummy-time easy. A comfortable pillow and mirror will encourage baby to spend time on her tummy whilst strengthening the neck and shoulder muscles.

9. Leka Mobil
Lena Håkanson has designed this Leka Mobil. It’s a barging "up in the air toy" price for £4.07 that stimulates the baby’s eyesight and movements, and most importantly a mobile that gives the baby something to interact with and focus one.

10. Lamaze Freddie The Firefly
These toys engage and entertain the little ones for hours. What’s so good with them is that you can clip them on: the car seat, pram, pushchair, and your baby gym play mat, thanks to the Lamaze link clip.

11. baby converse
for a cool baby

12. the baby lamp…
to scare away the monsters and the light to create the right mood when breastfeeding at night time. We bought the star as I my little one is my star and I love the colour blue. I loved the fact how the lamp has got that extra child safety and most important uses energy-saving bulb.

13. Philips AVENT SCH550/20 Bath and Room Thermometer
This item can create a discussion, especially if it’s between a Swede and a Britt. In Sweden the law says the houses these days should have triple glasses (used to be double) while in the Uk you can have single. The law says in Sweden not below 21 degrees. If you live together whit single glass in your home, where should you have your cot to put your newborn in? And how often should the heating be on? This great little flower monitors both room and water temperature. You will never have to guess. is it to cold? To hot?

Monday, 2 May 2011

My Jennie

28 April 2010

I was itching. I was over the moon! I had a growing baby inside of me and I really wanted to share the news with this someone special. My friend Jennie.
I knew who Jennie was from back home, but it was within the UK borders that I really got to know Jennie. Today, probably my best friend and my baby’s L aunt Jen.

I had this idea that I would met up with Jennie, things would be normal and out of the blue I was going to say, you going to be aunt Jen. BUT no, trying to get a date with miss J was harder then ever and my whole plan went to trash, when trying to get us to meet up. She spitted the words out (total Swedish translation)
“ Are you with baby?" Through the phone…

As I was so itchy I came clean and admitted my happiness. I was going to be a mum and Jennie was going to be the aunt… Over the phone…

As baby grew bigger, I developed “baby brain”, I m guessing around week 46 on the 18th of November. I had just managed to get us in with UCL hospital.
Jennie came to meet up with me, as we sat down in the waiting room, speaking Swedish Jennie says, “I’m pregnant”.
I cried of joy! SO happy!
I got to be what Jennie had been to me, the best midwife ever. I have to confess Jennie did a way better job then me. Being a mum totally put you inside this bubble and you tend to forget people…
But I’m so forever happy that I got Jennie, she still comes and sees us with her baby inside whenever she can. AND I LOVE HER FOR IT.

So in Return I’m going to make something spectacular for her!