Being terrorised with thoughts, my brain will just not put it to the side. I think both my brain and soul are fed up. Most of all I am irritated with myself for not putting my foot down and stomp on the problem till it screamed for help and gasped for air. You might be picturing me hurting someone to death but in my head I WAS STOMPING LIKE A CHILD IN PUDDLE.
In my family life, I seem to be smacked to often with the fact that Hubby and I come from 2 different cultures. Thankfully he aint bad with understanding and does take in that were I come from we might do things a bit differently and NOT “Stone age British” or “modern British” way”. And you know what, there are more then these two I just mentioned. You got the; Scottish way, The north way, Geordie way, Capital complex way, Wales way, Chav way, Midwife way and the list goes on.
Personal opinion, I think a lot of people do not understand the impact of psychology is to a human and individual behaviour.
Lets explain.
You without looking managed to turn on freakingly hot water instead of cold and got burned. What will the outcome be? To always look before. You got burned- hurt.
A parent is telling the child not to hit the baby sister while you are hitting that child yourself.
What would the outcome be? Will this child stop hitting the baby sister? No he/she will not.
If a adult person were forced to adapt to the fact that the dad is no longer in the picture while growing up, go through childhood with no dad, puberty with no dad, and turning in to an adult with no dad. What would the outcome be?

If someone is non-stop telling you what should be done and you are not on bored with the saying, but its being feed to you repeatedly and irritating you and this person refuse to understand that you do not agree.
What factor/factors causes this type of outcome in this person behaviour?
Hope your brain is getting hot. My solution is based on that the person while growing up has never been told off when doing something that is wrong to others. This person has managed to pass through years without any consideration to other people might be just as right as him/her.
That person picks the habit up from situation like this.
Ex. Two children are playing, the bigger one wants to have all the toys to him/her self.
Ex. One person in the classroom just shuts out the answer while the others puts hand up and waits for the signal to speak up.
Ex. The oldest one gets to do the most important jobs while younger brother/sisters just sit and watch.
As you probably understand I am up against person describe in 4. The one that just cant admit being wrong and don’t take any consideration towards my act. I can tell off some and some I can’t. But the problem is regarding my little one and his way of being brought up. Why on earth would I use typical “Britt-ness” when I wasn’t brought up here .I strongly believe that I use common sense with hint of "swedishness"
If YOU CAN ARGUE that Britt-ness is better, I am up for a debate. Please prove me wrong?!!
You see, I am the parent that is home with the little one, while hubby is working. Very sad!
Sad that my little one, hardly (these days) gets to see and spend time with his dad. Sad that hubby misses out on a lot of things.
But according to this person it’s a good thing to put the little one down early as 7 o’clock. My little one, who loves his dad, saw him for 20 minutes today.
That is NOT what I signed up for when starting a family. To bring a bit Freud into this, the outcome of my irritation will be to tell this person off, ones and for all – YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT’S BEST FOR MY CHILD.
Mr Freud I wish I met you...
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