Sunday, 6 November 2011

MR Riley And Riley Cafe

Yesterday the whole family, us three went in to Crouch End for food shopping and my very romantic other half asked me “you want to go for a coffee date?”
I don’t know about you, but that extra word ‘date’ added to the phrase made it a bit more special. I really wish my other half would not work as much as he does, or work hard but come no later then 7.
I found UK really strange for not being more child and father friendlier. I am glad that our little one and I get to have him on the weekends.
Our Coffee date took place at this Café place name Riley. It’s fairly a new place, opened up over the summer. I really urged for a nice hot chocolate with a scope of ice cream. The place looked very busy over the summer having an ice cream bar and for some reason we had never gone till now. 

A friendly young boy greeted us and I’m guessing the owner. We ordered our drinks. My “hubby wanted a latte and a Dounght and I, hot chocolate with a scope of ice-cream.
The owner looked with a question mark. I explained; you just make a normal hot chocolate and ad a scope of ice cream. The owner then took out an Ice-cream glass, to serve in, asking me if it is ok. As I have in my younger days worked in Cafes and bars thought to myself I’m going to be disappointed aren’t I??
“Hubby” was forced to go and take money out as the Café; Ice-Cream bar did not take card. As we sat down, having conversations around the wooden table. The place is very “woody”. Natural wood everywhere, the massive counter, the shelves behind the counter, the tables and going down stairs. It is a massive place with no personal touch or feeling, part from that on top of the each table there is a one flower in a glass/jug.
But that is a Pizza Express rip-off. We were asked if we wanted sugar, “Hubby” said yes and we got a small jar with lid on containing lose sugar.
It was not what I had in mind of a Coffee Date.
To begin with, it is not a place you want to sit in for very long. The Hot Chocolate was not what hot chocolate is meant to be. Tasted watery, but that is expected when you mix bad chocolate powder with water, and the massive counter had probably the smallest selection of what is meant to present tasty disserts and food. Dissert fairy would agree with me when I say/write ‘Waitrose has a better heavenly dissert aisle”.
You could tell if you ever worked within the service “food and dessert” business that the place was lacking of a couple of things.
Being who I am, I wanted a picture of Riley for this post on the blog and came across a couple of articles about Riley.
I am chocked! Seriously 
This Riley place is meant to be an Italian-inspired café, where was Italy? I could not see anything about the place being Italian oriented.
And the owner is an ex banker, who I now really would like to offer my help. Let’s dig our heads in dessert books, bake tasty thing to decorate the counter on top of the wood we darkened. Keep the nature feeling and paint over cold blue with a warm green colour. Buy sugar cubes and put them in a nice bowl and place them on the table. With a bit of TLC we could turn this place to a “hip and trendy place” but before, we need to get rid-off those horrible red cheap looking chair cushions and have a stop at Wayne's Coffee House in Stocholm/Sweden so Mr Riley can have a taste of the service and has to try everything on the counter. 

Final words, Riley place has ONLY had a lot of thoughts put in, instead of personal
TLC and fantasy. 

Friday, 4 November 2011

Unique Discovery

I love that I often stumble on things and I love these things when they are not massively produced and everyone does not have them.
I have found Kris Williams, also a mother and a Graphic designer. Her and I have got something in common we agree, “having kid change things”. While being pregnant she started to work on the drawing she named ‘The Big and Little Series’. Each painting features a big something and little something, sharing good times, good times. The paintings are lovely and I am so happy they can’t be bought from Jojo Maman Bebe, (Thank gosh for that!) Kris is right, thinking other parents would like to have them in their children’s room. I have fallen in love with the Bears On Bikes. I love it. Kris makes art for the little people And the big people too! She has also done;  
Growth Charts, Me & Papa Series, Robots! Owls! Hippos! Oh my!, Little Birds, NEW! For 2010!, Robot Love, and Owls For The Birds

Let me present you Bears On Bikes by, Kris Williams lovely art.

Special alert! Special alert! Crouch End No:3 30 Day Drawing Challenge

I just came across this brilliant what to do on rainy days with the young ones and I bet you will get into it as well. It’s a 30 Day Drawing Challenge, such as: draw your best friend, yourself, family picture and so much more. You might need to replace some of the challenge, but admit it is a great idea?!
It could be a really thoughtful Christmas present to grandparents and an amazing memory book for you and your little one if you turned it to a book. A book with 30 images drawn by your special artist, where you can ad title of the picture and the day it was drawn on. I can visualized the book and see the front cover being a drawn family picture. You cannot agree it isen’t a wonderful thing? You can scan the pictures in and make a Photo book, several places like: BLURB, Jessops, Yophoto does them. 

It may take a bit time, but it’s a creative time. On the Blurb website you can be the designer and take it a bit further and go solo, no need for template. All the service offers template if you want it to be simple and fast. It is a great way to encourage anyone’s fantasy to blow and grow, meantime it will great family quality time with your little one. You will keep them busy, active and just enjoy the slow paste.


Thursday, 3 November 2011

Special alert! Special alert! Crouch End No:2 Baby Swim

It’s hard to come up with activities or entertainment when the darkness eats up the brightness and of course just to make it harder to leave warm homes, rain comes. Part from watching TV and attending singing or other children friendly fun. I have often caught myself wishing I didn’t have to meet new mothers and their baby/babies. I am sorry, sometimes I just want to enjoy my own little one and have our time. 

What do we do? We go swimming. My little one loves it and we have been few times, 
splashing away, laughing, chasing the floating boll, just us and we love it.
I got my little one a Zoggy’s Trainer seat, which is very handy. As the little one puts weights on, they tend to get heavy after holding them for a while. When we first time put our “lovy” in one it was really funny as he just managed to spin himself around rather going anywhere. 

 I wished we would have gone swimming earlier, I can’t remember how old he was but you can take your little one for a swim as early as 6 weeks old. No need to have injections before as, the chlorine kills any germs. The baby's inbuilt gag reflex is generally at its strongest before six months. This means that he can hold his breath under water without thinking about it. The first time we went swimming, the water was cold for a baby. I thought it was and our little one and another baby a month older then ours was shivering as well. And therefore the Park Road Leisure Centre really put me off as the same happened when I went there pregnant. I do go to the Park Road Leisure Centre more often these days, (need to get into shape) I feel they have improved but still think its very “USCH”. If you do go, bring flip-flop, you will not regret it. 


Baby sleeping through the night???

I often get the questions...

Does your baby sleep all night?
How much food are you giving your baby?

So this thing with sleeping seems to go hand in hand with the amount of food. Right?
I do not believe in leaving a child to cry it self to sleep. I don’t. Especial not if the baby in standing up holding on the cot while shaking with anger, screams and tears on top of that. That’s a crap cake, if you know what I mean, I totally agree with the Jo the Super Nanny, who written in her book leaving your child to cry to fall asleep just will give no other signal that NO ONE CARES. You as a reader might think I am not so hardcore, however I could not care. I do not believe in the method. You leave your child to cry, and within time he or she will learn to fall asleep. 

My little one used to fall asleep when I was back home in Sweden and we were giving him Välling. Välling is what I would describe as Organix brand named Organic Seven Grain Cereal. Maybe Välling is a bit more watery. In Sweden you give Välling before bedtime in a bottle. Its often becomes like a drug. The child has to have it before bed and normally the child/children sleeps while drinking it. Which can be discussed is it a good thing? 
My little one was a bit unique; he refused his dummy really early and would refuse to drink of the Avent bottles, or anything that had a nipple shape part from the breasts. So I would then make the Välling a bit thicker and feed him with a spoon before bath time and that used to make him fall asleep through the night. Lucky me and my other half!!! 

But being back in the UK for few months and no Välling I have then tried replacing Välling with something else. More solid food, offered more water and it has worked and not worked. My solution is a child who has been breast and bottled feed at a specific time for a longer period is used to that feed and therefore will at nighttime wake up and expect to be feed. It’s a habit, and just like any habits, you can change and adapt to the needs. Not your need! Your baby’s need. As a parent we all lack of sleep here and there. So as my baby is coming to 11 months and for some reason he should by now sleep on his own and sleep through the night. SAYS WHO???

There are several guidelines about babies, growth etc and not all of them will apply to you or your baby. Like my little one, still wakes up for feed, he wants his milk and I want his closeness. I do feel so much better having him next to me and hear him breathing and it is more then a bonus if he puts his arm on me.
But after finding the Organix baby Porridge and the Cereal my little one sleeps longer during night before waking up. I do recommend the Organix Four Grain Cereal and instead of normal milk I use Soya, as it contains calcium and only has little saturated fat.

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Special alert! Special alert! Crouch End No:1

Being the housewife I am these days. I am getting a “tat” bored. Summers seem long gone and winter just around the corner and I do not want to be locked indoors. I have created myself a project or a special assignment just like special agent Oso.
So Special alert! Special alert!
My little one loves the theme song and admit i do to. 
Discover what you can do in Crouch End.
Being a pushchair pusher I am guessing you have enjoyed the park, but just like me you would probably like to do something different.
When I walk in the park on my own, I have spotted few mums being alone. It’s hard becoming friend with mums. I like often walking on my own, as I can do whatever but now and then sure I miss a friend. Ohh really I do miss my work.

My first discovery is this special offer for your body & mind. 

 Viktoria has massaged my lovely friend who also got the same qualification just like Viktoria. My friend enjoyed her 90 min treatment. She did however say: Viktoria is a bit fast with her hands but she did an amazing job.
My friend, a new mother too a 3 months old baby, so you can probably imagine how much in need of massage and “me”time she was.
Being a mother, and being on maternity allowance, unfortunately not all of “us were born with a golden spoon in our mouth” (Swedish saying), some tend to be very economical with the money. I have to say that I love Viktorias Autumn Offers. I hope many more then me has seen her flayer around Crouch End. If you have had any of Viktorias treatment let me know how it was.

Sunday, 30 October 2011

The milk jugs

Being a parent for whole 10 months has been an amazing time. My little one is an excellent crawler, makes sounds, points, and dances to music, and gives wet kisses and etc. I still breastfeed. But the breastfeeding has in a very strange way become for others‘ Oh you still breastfeed?’ ‘Is he not only on solids?’
In other words, it made some eye-browns go up. I found it very strange.
One big factor for me is who are these people to question it, as I personally would not question or judge openly. I might have an opinion but I would never make another individual feel bad about something so healthy for a growing baby.
I came across this mother who were breastfeeding her daughter who was 2 years old.
The daughter even said nipple in the middle of a playground, and the mother said its MILK TIME. Is that wired?
I am being very honest, I can’t decide BUT I really wanted to ask her? Do you not miss your breast? She had an amazing figure, annoyingly perfect, no baby weight on it or any extras. She was a yoga instructor, of course. I would have loved to ask her several questions like:
Do you miss your breast?
Are you still in maternity bras?
Are you always comfy?
How does your partner feel about these milk jugs?
Of course being not so blunt I did not ask her.
I bet as you are reading these lines you surely are thinking a bit now. Just to answer one question, Yes, your sex life will change a bit after giving birth.
The medical people advice to wait 6 weeks after birth and a bit longer if you had a Caesarean section. It depends on what type of male you have. The one who is fine with the milk or the one who is not.

So after searching info about what happens to the breast after breastfeeding I came across this quote after pregnancy you will never get your normal breasts back. it's just a fact of life ladies.”
Nice to read =NOT
Some women go under the knife as they have felt that their breast has gone smaller and lost their firmness after having children. I personally feel that the subject of the breast LOOk supposed to have the “perky look”, the nipple facing up, and more tissue below the nipple than above.
I do not regret breastfeeding, absolutely not. I am however not sure when to stop.
I will go for a whole year, and then I guess I will wait and see how they will bounce back. 
Will they go back to what they used to be? Lets hope so. 

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Swimming for free! 3 Times at La Fitness.

Tell me if I’m wrong?!
Once you had a baby, you hope you get in to your old jeans, your stomach was rock hard (harder then now anyway), and your entire wardrobe still fit you. If you happen to be one of these, ME NO LIKE YOU!

I doubt it!
My biggest wonder is, how on earth does these Crouch End mums slim down after giving birth?
Seriously it used to bug me, seeing these slimed mums with buggies, where the baby is like newborn, looking slim. Now I ignore each and everyone of them.
Yesterday coming back home from the YMCA gym, I saw a lot of female running around on the streets of Crouch End in the dark.So where they these mums I ignore? Dislike them even more as I hate running, but doing it in the dark, come on?

I love swimming, and I really wished I could do it so more often. Be as light as butterfly and swim. Anyone who had a baby, swimming is really good for your whole body, getting toned wise, but also for the sake of getting back your strength. 

Obviously exercising while pregnant has many benefits. Not only can it help you be more comfortable and flexible during pregnancy, but it can help you regain your pre-pregnancy body back faster after having your baby. Even if you weren't particularly fit before getting pregnant, you can still begin a fitness regimen in early pregnancy that keeps you in good shape for your health and the health of your baby.

I believe if I combine: swimming, Pilates, and cycling I would get better, and if my other half stops buying frozen meals. They are high in everything that is bad for you body! I should really start drinking hot water with lemon every morning, (I get so bored of doing same thing, same with food and drinks) get that metabolism going.
For the information I got a very annoying disc that is touching on a very important nerve, the sciatic nerve.
Anyone who is planning to have a baby and yoga, do Pilates!You will thank me,
When your pelvic bones have not been so crushed by the birth, and you don’t suffer from back pain during and after pregnancy. 

 I tried Joan’s Pilates class at Virgin Active gym. I liked her, she was amusing and the choice of music got me on board. Old French music from the 30s, loved it. For her age, wow, what a body! She had an 11-year-old grand daughter. Obviously Pilates isn’t just bullshit. I liked the stretch the movements were giving to me, some movement triggered the nerve a bit more, and because of that I did not performed, as I wanted. I think I would prefer being in a smaller group, and why on earth is getting a healthier you so expensive? 

Park road Leisure Centre, not on my top list. I found the place “SNUSKIGT” there’s no perfect English translation for that word.

 Last time I was there I forgot me flip flop, and every step I took on those “usch” tiles I thought to myself I bet I will get warts. It needs proper clean up, exchange the miserable staff with more service and outgoing staff. I really wished the Centre, was as amazing as the Wentworth Leisure centre up in Hexham, New Castle. I loved it.

If you happen to be a bit like me, guess what?

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Photographing enough?

We all know the year is 2011. Let us not get confused about the year, or what century we living in, never forget the world we live in.
I love children. I love photographing children, especially the cheeky ones. I love the “uniqness” that magically appears in a photograph. I also prefer the word photograph then the words: picture, image. The cling of the word sounds so, not important and boring. The phrase photograph brings something stronger, it is more important; the person in the photographs will somehow be related to a different era, right?

I am strongly against children images on the Internet; really I am kind of against all private pictures. Why do some feel the need of displaying and sharing their private family album/life on the World Wide Web?

Pictures have always been a passion of mine, photographing, developing in the “old school” darkroom, enhancing them to be more glamour’s in Photoshop and I love creating my own photo/scrap book albums. I love photographing children. I can’t decide if I prefer in a studio or outside, but if outside I love the feeling the photographs gets when photographing at sunset. Or 9 o’clock light in the morning.

Yesterday I walked in to Oxfam bookshop in Crouch End- Great bargain bookshop. I stumbled (I love the world stumble) on Marcus Adams. A child photographer, who created a unique record of two generations of the royal children between 1926 and 1956. Mr Adams presented a fresh, natural and vibrant view of the royalty. A massive change from the traditional formal portraiture. 

If someone fancied that type of style I would only recommend photographer Mr Yuval Hen. I think so far he is the only one on the market today that brings that "old"era out in his photographs.Some of them are mixed with sinister, love feeling. You will have to look for yourself to understand.

Looking at today’s typical pictures if children, its often people are hungry for the vintage styles: Lomo ( cross-processing effect), Diana (dreamy effect), classic vignetting. Me, personally I love black and white. I found them more classical to have in a picture frame within a border. Photographs have to have border, my opinion, if not, what’s the point of framing the picture? I do love bang on with colours in photographs, like this one below that I photographed 2 weeks ago.

So it’s 2011, and it will never stay 2011 forever, sadly. So are you photographing your  “lovy”/ “lovies” enough?
Photographs, is captured moment, forever a memory. What better then decorating you home with moments. Moments taking up space to remind you of that “click”. 
More insperation? need ideas? click here

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Happy bride, unhappy mum, sex longing hubby.

Hmm what a twist. Don’t tell the bride is one tv while I got me time reading "We Parent" (Swedish) magazine. The article I’m stuck on is. Sex once a week. Too Little?

Obviously it’s a female behind the article explaining, that she and her partner been a couple before having children. They both got fulltime job, house, the kids, and sex is not the first on the list. And the desire for sex has been low many years.
Her husband however thinks about it ALL the time, and argues that sex once a week is way to little. He has, however let her know that if it continues with too little love -making (again sex once a week) he wants them to separate. She also writes in the article that he needs to please himself every day and without sex he is grumpy. He can also be highly rude and mean if no sexual activity has taken place. She feels stressed about this but gets really happy when she gets out of the lovemaking. They have talked a lot about the subject and he feels that she is the one with problem. She does admit that he might be right. She has brought up the subject going separate ways as they fight a lot but then she will be the one breaking up the family. She ends the article with, she is unsure about her feelings towards him and according to him if you love someone you would want to have sex all the time. Is that so? (Again her thoughts). How often is normal? (Again people her and not me).

From a male point of a view, my other half says, he has all the right to get crumpy. Sex is important. I agree sex is important. What this article is not revealing is how many kids do they have and how old are they. That is important facts.
If you just have given birth to a baby, I can understand sex is not the priority! And the medical people don’t recommend lovemaking seven weeks after the birth.
Or if you have been through something that needs time to heel sex will not be on your mind.
But eventually the body will desire sex.
I can understand its stressful having house, kids, fulltime job and on top of that a partner. The house, the kids, the job, the husband/, is all the Ingredients you need for the family recipe. But I found it hard to imagine that a happy couple would not have sex. Unhappy couple I can understand. 

My opinion is, I think her feelings have gone to be, love. You love your job, you love your dog. You love your family. That type of love you receive when its there all the time. That type of love, same shit, different day. Its not new, it’s not exciting.
That is why I strongly believe that when being in a couple you both need to maintain the sparks. Why settle for a spark, when you can have sparkles.
All the time? And imagine no spark and no flame?  
My theory is based on my feelings towards my other half. He is a hansom, good looking and is the love of my life. Everyday as he leaves the house wearing Christian Dior’s Higher, looking sexy all I can think of, imagine having him in bed just for a bit longer. Not for the sake of having sex. Just to be near him, and be in his arms.
The closeness can be even better then sex.

 I guess I won’t be telling the bride on tv about the article that’s sadly some sparks does fade out.

Congratulations on your new baby!

Congratulations on your new baby!

Create yours now!

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Second hand car seat? YES? NO?

This time last year, I was looking for the perfect pushchair and everything else that was a must have. But as my partner and I was forced to move again, (just before the baby was popping out early December,) and we were really looking forward to a normal flat with space where we did not have to live with our belongs packed in boxes. 

I wanted a Bugaboo. I had to have a BUGABOO. But bran new one cost a fortune. I was not really fuzzy that the pushchair needed to be bran new. I rather have the cot I wanted which was a white Brio and a nice mattress.
After loads of disappointing biddings on eBay and losing drove me mad. I switched over to and found this 007 special edition blue denim Bugaboo. It came with everything including, car sit, rain covers both for pushchair and car sit, and the lambskin mattress (which I never did receive). All for £350, I added another 50 as the owner was going to sell it to someone else. 
BUT I was desperate, what kind of a new mum to be did not have everything ready by now??
I had no cot, baby room, baby clothes, and etc etc… anything for a baby I did not have. This time last year I only had two and half month left. I had nothing for a baby.
Of course I wanted to buy things, but I was working like a crazy and that shity flat we lived in before this lovely home, drove me insane. I did anything to be away from it.

I was and still am very happy with the Bugaboo. I love it. I rewashed and dyed the denim fabric and as the baby came around Christmas it looked so “heavenly” after my mum put in my old baby foot muff.
I have to admit I was always concerned about the car seat. Was it an older model? It looked so used.
It was a maxicosi. A USED MAXICOSI. What do you know about baby car seat before the baby even arrives? Seriously???  If you answer I know everything, I really would like to punch you. I don’t believe that.

As my baby is growing, almost whole 9 months, I am still learning. I’m so happy I have signed up to be a member at Crouch Ends library. All those books to dive in. When time allows me. I have and I am reading JO Frost’s Confident Baby Care. She is not UK most trusted nanny. I think she is the worlds trusted nanny who tells you everything you need to know in the first year of your baby’s life. I got the book on Monday and its Wednesday today and already I have dived so deep and ménage to get to page 121.
So far I think the book is ok, haven’t found something wow jet but, (but I do have problem putting the book away)  however page 56 under the paragraph CAR SEAT
NO USED SEATS. And when I handed over the money to women who sold me the Bugaboo and things came with her partner and baby boy I did not even once asked uis the car seat safe? Has it been in any accidents? I do not ask anything part from, how does buggy work?
I bet super-nanny is huffing and puff at me. In her book, page 56, its written: 

In the beginning I did not found second hand wrong. But I would advice to be more careful when purchasing things. I would say it's better to go yourself and view the item rather for the seller to come to you and you feel you have to pay them for things that in the reality looks more shabby then on the photographs you saw on the internet. however says a big NO, NO, NO 

If I had read this article on Babyworld last year, I don't think I would have bought the car seat.
Hopeful I have helped you out. So ask questions when wanting to buy. 

Monday, 5 September 2011

What bra to get???

Back to the “favourite” topic, breast. For some becoming pregnant and suddenly have bigger breast is a dream come true. For me, not. I always thought big breast are in the way. But I have to admit as the belly was growing, it was nice to have fuller breast to make the body look right.

I remember in the beginning, my back was hurting, and I just could not find the time to go and buy new bra for pregnant me. I had tried couple of shops to get a proper me measured, Ann summers was one of the places and I thought as I came out of the shop utterly useless and waist of time.

During the pregnancy your breast will get about 10% bigger. The pregnancy hormones will stimulate the milk making parts of the breast to grow, so therefore you will feel the breast being fuller and tender. You might not know this but the Areola (the dark skin around the nipple) will also get darker and larger, all so the little one will find it easier to find the place to eat when first being born. Further in your pregnancy it will be more noticeable to see your own blood vessel. The skin is stretching as the breasts increase in fullness. Use Palmers Tummy Butter. It is the must have to have when being pregnant.
“THE” formula for how to look after your breast during pregnancy does not exist. As every female are unique, different and beautiful different things works.
I loved the Palmers Tummy Butter, which I did rub all over me. I also used Clarins Tonic Body Treatment Oil Firming/Toning and Relaxing Body Balm. The body balm smell always reminds me of the belly I had. I was addicted to these product, I was rubbing it on me non stop. 

My advice when you breasts starting to hurt go to Marks and Spencer and get fitted. I was so happy with the help I got from all these women. I had demands on the bra, I had to have wire. Back then I could not understand why you should not have wire.
 I wanted that extra help to lift them and with the job I m doing I cant go around with un-supported breasts. I got fitted, I got my size, I had gone up with 2 size, went to Intimissimi and got bra’s on sale.
After the birth, the wire made it really uncomfortable for me, so I went back to Marks and Spencer’s and got these amazing bras.Pack of 2, adjustable straps, Scallop trim, Drop-down Cups, and of course None –wired. 

And yes, my breast had gone up another size. Felt so wired. Still does and I admit I miss the way they used to be. And I also bought H&M bra and that was waist of money. They were cheap, and you got pack of 2. I used them once and I regret buying them. It’s the Drop-down Cups that is annoying me. Before its meal time for the little one, the breast gets bigger thanks to being filled with milk, and these drop-down cups gives a cap. Not a small gap, a very noticeable gap, when it should cover up the breasts. So I do not recommend the H&M. But these are perfect, (product code T330702M just like M&S food ad on tv. 

Need tips on bra?!  read the article All About Maternity Bras on American Baby

Sunday, 4 September 2011

Lovely Boey Byer

I need heaven. I need heaven to exist to comfort me that’s where we all end up. 
Becoming a mother, going through the journey having a life growing inside, and this life growing in to a person. Can you ever be over protective? You as parent, are no different from any animal mother, you will kill to protect your own flesh and blood.

This amazing little human being, name Jenessa "Boey" Byers should be as famous as any Starlet.

Celebrities like the Kardashians sisters, Miley Cyrus, Kerry Katona, the Jedwards and so many other (never ending list) pointless celebrities will never reach the same star quality or have the same impact as this lovely little girl.
I was introduced to Boey by Extreme Makeover Home tv show. 

A soul that should be walking among other children, fall in love, travel and explore the world, learn and teach new things, grow to be teenager, young lady and so many other things. 
I cant help, not to get emotional. 

Death and I build a bridge, the day my grandfather could not resist the temptation of being pain free. It turned my world upside down, as I always considered him as my dad and suddenly he was not with us. Cancer came and as I have to blame someone, someone came and stole him away.  Its always easier to blame.

Boey had 8 years of  life and twice being in the battle ring against horrible cancer. First round a knockout. Boey 1-0. And then cancer taking her down and away from her strong and lovable family. The Byers family did have a Starlet with more glam, love, talent… 
There is no perfect adjective that could the describe her. She was such a strong girl, while being in pain she still kept pushing others to fight the battle. Heart of the size as universe have to be in heaven!

Being a parent, even being a new parent. It’s the best job on earth! BUT the worse thing is to see any child suffer and to see your own one…  

 As the show was coming to an end, so was The Byers home. A dream home.
The shows last frame before the credits rolled up, was black with horrible white messagd my.
Boey had past away. I was crying.
I need heaven. I need heaven to be a place that is real. 
A place were all starlets with a heart as big as the univers are found, 
like Boey and my grandfather.



Sunday, 28 August 2011


If only I had the time, all the money in the world... and of course owned my own place that had more rooms to decorate. Currently I’m on a mission, decorating the best boys room for my lovy. I hate stereotypical. I hate the colour baby blue! Boys are aloud to wear and have other colours. The world is not just baby blue and pink. No the world is covered in deluxe and crown colours. Pick one! Hard! I know.
My idea from the start was to paint one wall in colours, fast way to teach colour, and have my baby’s name letter spelt out. That idea went down the drain, as we got this curtain, again baby blue, dark blue, red and white types of boats. So English??? It’s far away from Swedish. In Sweden it would have been Pippi style or Barbarpappa etc etc. We received more room décor in this fabric. As I really did not have time to decorate a baby room while being pregnant, so I have left it till now. Its fun, plus I can do things on me own without needing help.
So far we have painted the room white, such a timeless colour but handy. I bought some really nice big baby postcards with really nice frames in different colours where they will go. I have bought some really posh letters from
They arrived 2 days ago and in size 23cm. perfect! Bought a pax wardrobe from Ikea.
My idea for that was as baby will grow up and we will be forced to replace kiddy wardrobe for a more adulty one so why not just do it now and for kiddy feeling I picked mirror door, where lovy can sit and laugh at himself. Babies love mirrors…
And the wardrobe is so big even the toys fits. Hate mess being spread about. I got a box with a lid, put it all in after end of play. I’m falling in love with the idea of making my own chalkboard, where we can illustrate over and over, non-stop.
It could be a door? Frame? Anything. L.O.V.E the idea. And I would love to cover it up with tiny hand made Polaroid magnets and use kiddy hand style writing. 
And as have re-fallen in LOVE with an old friend, Curiouse George and I have introduced him to my little one who seem to be fallen as well.

I made one of those inspiration mode –board, after finding all these really elegant and personal and so not ick feeling like the colour baby blue.