Being a parent for whole 10 months has been an amazing time. My little one is an excellent crawler, makes sounds, points, and dances to music, and gives wet kisses and etc. I still breastfeed. But the breastfeeding has in a very strange way become for others‘ Oh you still breastfeed?’ ‘Is he not only on solids?’
In other words, it made some eye-browns go up. I found it very strange.
One big factor for me is who are these people to question it, as I personally would not question or judge openly. I might have an opinion but I would never make another individual feel bad about something so healthy for a growing baby.
I came across this mother who were breastfeeding her daughter who was 2 years old.
The daughter even said nipple in the middle of a playground, and the mother said its MILK TIME. Is that wired?
I am being very honest, I can’t decide BUT I really wanted to ask her? Do you not miss your breast? She had an amazing figure, annoyingly perfect, no baby weight on it or any extras. She was a yoga instructor, of course. I would have loved to ask her several questions like:
Do you miss your breast?
Are you still in maternity bras?
Are you always comfy?
How does your partner feel about these milk jugs?
Of course being not so blunt I did not ask her.
I bet as you are reading these lines you surely are thinking a bit now. Just to answer one question, Yes, your sex life will change a bit after giving birth.
The medical people advice to wait 6 weeks after birth and a bit longer if you had a Caesarean section. It depends on what type of male you have. The one who is fine with the milk or the one who is not.
So after searching info about what happens to the breast after breastfeeding I came across this quote “after pregnancy you will never get your normal breasts back. it's just a fact of life ladies.”
Nice to read =NOT
Some women go under the knife as they have felt that their breast has gone smaller and lost their firmness after having children. I personally feel that the subject of the breast LOOk supposed to have the “perky look”, the nipple facing up, and more tissue below the nipple than above.
I do not regret breastfeeding, absolutely not. I am however not sure when to stop.
I will go for a whole year, and then I guess I will wait and see how they will bounce back.
Will they go back to what they used to be? Lets hope so.