About a year ago, my body was going through a massive change. I was clueless and little did I know that I entered first trimester. A baby was growing inside of me, and I was not aware of it.
No, no, no.
I was surfing on a really high wave, work was going perfect (I was turning jobs down, as I was already booked) and I had a party weekend to look forward to, 16 days to be exactly.
Barcelona was calling me and my friend K.
I had my outfits ready. I was working out like mad for the beach.
My energy level was up, down, up, down, down, up. I still remember being tired and starting going to bed early. Blaming it on hard, late work, fags and coffee…
But really I was in week 4.
I personally don’t think I will ever forget the pregnancy journey. I am so happy that I own an IPHONE.
Thanks to Apple I can always go back in time and drawn myself in all my memories= pictures.
Men vi åkte aldrig till Barca för den där vulkanen och det var ju tur nu i efterhand! /K